New years wish

2017: Work and Love

Love, Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

Yearly Horoscope



For God’s sake, for this new year, stop taking others for goats and start climbing the mountain of success.


As a couple, stop worrying about nothing, the horns on your head don’t mean you’re a cuckold. Single, Venus in mercury will bring you some surprises during April, the shiny horns, the silky hair, the chosen one of your heart will be up to your expectations.



In 2017, we stop taking it easy and follow the current, despite some sometimes dangerous swirls, the waters will lead you to the shore of success.


As a couple, you spin the perfect love, no need to take out the oars, your love life is a tropical waterfall where it’s good to cool off. Singles, if 2016 was a year of drowning, 2017 will finally bring you a good source of love. But be careful not to sail between several waters, we know you’re a gourmet! 😉

Fish :


Be careful not to pass yourself off as a shark, it’s rather thanks to your speed in getting out of the whirlpools that you’ll be able to make your way up the current of success.


As a couple, stop being soft as a mollusc and polish your beautiful scales to win back the one you love. Single, no more The time when you were swimming in molasses, this new year 2017 gives you wings and takes you to the coral of love.



This year, 2017, you stop being a sheep and take up your victor’s horns. Don’t hesitate to change lanes, the grass is surely greener elsewhere.


As a couple, ah the cozy love of winter wrapped up in your fluffy wool, you and your loved one wouldn’t want to go out… but watch out for the change and the shearing of spring. Singles, stop frolicking in the meadow in search of the most beautiful daisy, in 2017, you’ll have to climb the hill, get higher to finally see the flower that will make your heart flutter.



In 2017, you won’t have to take by the horns, you’ve decided that you’re going to progress and you’re going to rush into anything that might stop you!


As a couple, you go straight into the cloth of passion and true love, you’re so sweet to your loved one that you’re almost like a nice zebu. Single, you’ll have to round the ends of your horns and show yourself less threatening, to finally find the joy of frolicking with a beautiful cow in the spring.



There’d be two of you doing the work, we won’t see the difference, you’ll be incredibly efficient this year 2017!


In a couple, ahhhh love… your particular partner and you are an entity between the two of you, the couple always succeeds you as much. Singles, be careful not to be too greedy and to want everything in double, you will hesitate a moment between two of your loved ones, but you will end up making The good or The bad choice in September.



You will spare no effort, even if it means pinching a couple of mollusks along the way to climb the rock of success.


As a couple, on the beach of love you tan with happiness, 2017 will make you even happier and fulfilled! Singles, in 2017, you’ll finally get out of the crab basket you’ve gotten yourself into, and in the spring, you’ll finally get a crush on someone…



You reign supreme over your work and will not hesitate to roar at anyone who tries to steal your throne.


As a couple, like Nala and Simba, your love will bring peace and joy to the valley. This love may have a positive influence on those around you. Singles, if you haven’t found the chosen one of your heart in 2016, it’s because you still lazed under a tree all day ! Go to hell in 2017, you’ll get back on your feet and you’ll wander through the jungle in search of the most beautiful prey, you’ll be licking your lips in advance!



It’s a deflowering and a serious new beginning awaiting you in 2017, and that’s good because success is at the end of the road!


As a couple, in 2017 stop everyday, to escape the routine, you will find many ways to act as if it was the first time! Singles: You’re attacking hard this year, you’re going to break hearts this year, we’re a long way from the frightened virgin 😉

Libra :


At the crossroads, you will weigh the pros and cons, but eventually you will make the right decision that will lead you to greater professional success.


As a couple, at the beginning of the year 2017, you will have to weigh your words to avoid offending your partner, but your sense of generosity and your love will end up in the spring weighing heavier in the scales than your susceptibility! Single, you will finally realize in 2017 that no situation is totally balanced and you will finally venture into a story that can be wobbly but terribly exhilarating!



If 2016 was a dry dessert that was hard to get through, you’re in a year where success will come without you having to steal anyone.


As a couple, for an animal with a stinger and a shell, in 2017, it seems you’ll look more like a little kitten full of love… ah how beautiful love is! Singles: That’s enough in 2017, you forget your ex and take out the venom to hypnotize other prey. The end of the year is likely to be exciting and full of surprises!



The bow is taut, and your arrow is ready to draw to finally reach your professional end!


As a couple, sweet spirited pony, take your time, don’t risk frightening your partner, be patient, your plans will come true faster than you think. Singles, aim well, take your time and you will reach your target for sure 🙂 !


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